За что ты готов постоять? За что ты готов бороться? Во имя чего ты живешь? Во имя чего готов умереть?
From the author of 'The Firm' and 'The Client' and the director of 'Presumed Innocent' and 'All The President's Men.'
Де Ниро, Руссо, Александр, Лось, Белка
In the very near future a small group of Americans and Russians set out on the greatest adventure of them all... To see if there is life beyond the stars
Coming to a screen bigger than your TV
The Man of Steel is back, and better than ever!
One ordinary guy is giving the candidates a reason to run.
How do you fall in love with the whole world watching?
The ultimate confrontation between good and evil!
27,000 Nuclear Weapons. One Is Missing
The Epic Fall of the American Indian
Реальная история, в которую вы не поверите
У каждого боя есть свои правила
Corrupts Absolutely
The girl who always stood out is finally getting the chance to fit in.
Творит историю, нравится вам это или нет
"I like to watch".
The fate of the world is on the line.
Trust No-one