Он - обычный человек... почти
It takes guys as simple as the Dude and Walter to make a story this complicated... and they'd really rather be bowling
Будем мочить в сортире!
He lived to find beauty. He killed to possess it.
Нельзя терять ни минуты
Finally, the movie that proves that Justice isn't always Poetic, Jungle Fever isn't always pretty, and Higher Learning can be a waste of time
Твои дни сочтены!
Friendship is a four-letter word.
Лучший антидепрессант на российском ТВ
Come to Kazakhstan, It's Nice!
Поохотились - теперь порыбачим!
Увидевший его не спасётся
170 000 sq miles of desert. 90 minutes of oxygen. No way out
Stand Your Ground
Война - это наркотик
Indiana Jones - the new hero from the creators of JAWS and STAR WARS