Он - обычный человек... почти
It takes guys as simple as the Dude and Walter to make a story this complicated... and they'd really rather be bowling
He lived to find beauty. He killed to possess it.
Будем мочить в сортире!
Нельзя терять ни минуты
Finally, the movie that proves that Justice isn't always Poetic, Jungle Fever isn't always pretty, and Higher Learning can be a waste of time
Твои дни сочтены!
Friendship is a four-letter word.
Лучший антидепрессант на российском ТВ
Come to Kazakhstan, It's Nice!
170 000 sq miles of desert. 90 minutes of oxygen. No way out
Увидевший его не спасётся
Поохотились - теперь порыбачим!
Stand Your Ground
Война - это наркотик
Indiana Jones - the new hero from the creators of JAWS and STAR WARS