Silent night... Yeah, right.
Лучшие друзья. Жестокие соперницы. Сестры
Eat... drink... and be buried...
Meet Wendell Tvedt. Would you believe he's about to become America's #1 hunk? What happens to him, could happen to you!
It's a MAJOR operation...with GINGER posing as a MINOR (Print Ad- Walker County Messenger, ((LaFayette, Ga.)) 17 December 1942)
It's just a bang-beat, bell-ringin', big-haul, great-go, neck-or-nothin', rip-roarin', ever'-time-a bull's-eye movie!
Starring the great negroe actors
Hear 10 Irving Berlin Songs!
A Spine-Tingling Thundering Saga Of The Sea!
Protecting the earth from the scum of corporate America.
What makes you shine?
Don't get chumpatized.
She's a Yankee Doodle Girlie !
Being wild is in their blood.