Дружба - лучшее лекарство
Найди своё место в жизни
Be the hero of your own story.
I Wish I May, I Wish I Might, Become My Sister For A Night!
When you don't fit in, stand tall.
Чудо есть в каждом из нас
Зло будет наказано
They're two best friends, a million miles from home. On an incredible adventure, beyond the boundaries of space and time. In a place called...The Land of Faraway.
The Course Has Been Set. There Is No Turning Back. Prepare Your Weapons. Summon Your Courage. Discover the Adventure of a Lifetime!
Мальчик, который подлетел слишком близко к солнцу
Любовь прекрасна, но из-за нее можно потерять семью, деньги и рассудок
The magic of friendship never changes.
He's an orphan... at the start of a journey. A journey to survive.