Москва — добрый город. Каждый, кто приходит сюда с открытым сердцем, найдёт здесь настоящих друзей.
the hot-line suspense comedy
Tired of living in a Medieval mess...Merlin uses all his magic powers to change a scrawny little boy into a legendary hero!
...And remember, the next scream you hear could be your own!
Боливар не вынесет двоих
A picture that goes beyond what men think about - because no man ever thought about it in quite this way!
Please don't tell who did what to whom!
The world's masters of murder pull out all the stops to destroy Agent 007!
Everybody who's ever been funny is in it!
The motion picture the world has been waiting for!
Parachutes... Alligators... Murderers... Women...You think it's easy? "Only For A Great Adventurer Like Me!"
Together! The Most Rib-Tickling Team Since Adam and Eve!