Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without
Осторожно! Берегите свои кошельки!
Suspense Of Screaming Proportions!
Зов природы. Никуда не денешься
Growing up has nothing to do with age.
Можно ли вернуться из мира мертвых?
Никому ни слова, но они - абсолютно нормальные мужики!
More Loverly Than Ever!
Иногда жизнь преподносит странные сюрпризы
Movie-wise, there has never been anything like it - laugh-wise, love-wise, or otherwise-wise!
Правдивая история одного пикантного изобретения
All's fair in love . . . with Sabrina Fair and her men!
Nobody ever grows up quite like they imagined
In search of wine. In search of women. In search of themselves
All This and CinemaScope Too! The modern miracle with STEREOPHONIC SOUND
Come to Laugh, Come to Cry, Come to Care, Come to Terms
Холостяк срывает куш