Nick Randall is a loner. A legend. A bounty hunter.
The world's greatest marksman is now a marked man...
Она не может позвать на помощь
Clint Eastwood is the man in the middle of The Gauntlet
Never have so few taken so many for so much.
У этих девушек нет проблем с бывшими...
Timing Is Everything
World's most favorite detective
In a daring armed robbery, they'll risk everything for the ultimate score.
What Seagal Does In Vegas, Nearly Destroys It
Eighty-Six Floors Of Action-Packed Terror!
Они пришли взыскать долг... Он выплатит его сполна
A tournament of legends.
Evil Has Declared War... Again!
The music made him do it!
No one thought it could ever happen here...
They thought he was dead. They were dead wrong