It's Light... It's Bright... It's 100 Proof!
Only once before, in The Longest Day, has a motion picture achieved such greatness !
He found himself in the love around him.
One of six million UNTOLD stories WE DARE NOT FORGET!
A giant of a man against a general seeking glory...a spectacular adventure of arch enemies in battle.
God help us if they rise again!
That is the movie!
Beauty...Mystery...Delightful Humor...
AS BIG...AS the world-shattering events that inspired it! (Print Ad- The Journal, ((Wood River, Ills.)) 21 October 1943)
London 1940. The Blitz. Murder, mayhem and the birth of modern forensics.
A Lusty Lifetime of Love and Adventure in Lavish Technicolor (US Lobby Card tag)
The Odds Against Them Were 10,000 to 1...But What the Hell!