Будет круто!
Hell comes home
Sometimes the difference between life and death can be a Narrow Margin
The scariest comedy of all time!
He Fought To Change The World
The American Dream was over. But the hangover was just beginning
To be, kurwa, or not to be ("To be, for fuck sake, or not to be")
OUR OPERATOR SAYS.."IT'S GOING TO BE A PLEASURE TO RUN "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" 5 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY, NOV.7) (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Cactus Theatre - Lubbock Texas - November 2, 1938 - all caps)
История любви по-сицилийски
Они хотели получить все, не давая взамен ничего. Он же, не давая им ничего, получил от них все
Adventure in all its glory!
Ничто так не мешает любви, как соперничество
...is he or isn't she?
This is the story of two men who run...not to run...but to prove something to the world. They will sacrifice anything to achieve their goals...Except their honor.
The Hopes of a Mother. The Dreams of a Father. The Fate of a Child.