IT FILLS THE SCREEN with Excitement and Suspense!
When Harry found out he had six weeks to live, something snapped...and it wasn't his camera.
With dreams like these who needs reality?
One day, Themroc just blew up. He chucked his job, destroyed his flat, made it with his sister, dined on a cop and turned on the whole neighborhood.
Ghouls just want to have fun!
Here's The Yankee Clipper Himself ! A two-fisted terror from the States . . . who landed in England with a chip on his shoulder . . . but let a blue-eyed beauty walk off with his heart ! Bob Taylor's Biggest Picture Hit !
No one is more dangerous than the man who lives two lives.
the tempting new comedy from the producers of «Latter Days»
En film der begynder som en hemmelig hvisken, og ender i et skrig (A film that begins as a secret whisper, and ends in a scream)
By the end of the dance some of the sorority sisters were dead on their feet