Deadly circumstances call for deadly heroes!
The first and only Muscle Mad Monster of the martial Arts! He fights to the death
If Looks Could Kill, They Wouldn't Need To Kick.
A bodyguard with her own kind of justice...
For An 'Endgame' Champion In The Year 2025, There's Only One Way To Live. Dangerously.
If you're thinking of plastic surgery... Dr. Devine would like to change your mind!
Navajo... Warrior... Kickboxer. Cross the line of his law and you'll live... to regret it.
An epic tale of nerds and turds.
It isn't CHILD'S PLAY anymore... (Australia VHS)
He clobbers the mob
Where the future collides with the past
Champions aren't born ... they're made!
the few, the proud, the paroled.