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"The Godfather" Gave You an Offer You Couldn't Refuse. "The Family" Gives You No Alternative.
No one can stop this killing machine....It's Already Dead!!!
The border: where dreams begin and end. A fence. A line drawn in the sand. A war zone.
Write it. Live it. But try not to be it.
They Invade Your Body ... Control Your Mind ... Blow You Apart!
The life you want is waiting to be found
Thrills and Chills!
Too cool for words
What happens when your first love is love itself?
New York, Berlin, Tokyo
It's Great. Great Stars . . . A Great Story . . . A Great Author!
Some towns have all the fun.
Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out for blood.
Cupid just turned eight.
...and this is how SHERIDAN TOOK GRANT!