Climaxing Warner Bros.' glittering parade of musicals!
When you don't have a choice, you change.
with love..Rishi Kapoor
"The U.S. Customs Bureau Barred It As Obscene! Readers Found It Shocking And Scandalous! And Now, For Anyone Over 17, It Is A Movie!" - Time Magazine
M-G-M's Gigantic and Joyous Musical
For a mother, a sister and a niece, nothing is the same . . . Since Otar Left
She's the kind of girl men look for...when they come to the big town!
So big! So entertaining! So much fun!
Today's most amazing sensation!
You MUST see it to know how indescribably clever and enormously «smart» a movie CAN be!
The Facts...The Faces...The Film That Cracks America's Organized Crime Syndicate Wide Open!
HE'S TERRIFIC! Your Favorite Crime Crusader!
Иногда у рая и ада общая цель
He crossed the line between law and family
The love story behind the love song that's sweeping the country