In the face on an enemy, in the Heart of One Man, Lies the Soul of a Warrior
All the power on earth can't change destiny.
Увидевший его не спасётся
170 000 sq miles of desert. 90 minutes of oxygen. No way out
Be Afraid of the Dark
Испытания, к которым он не был готов. Наставник, которого ему подарила судьба
The leader. The brains. The attitude. And Mikey.
There Is Evil........On The Other Side
Наш огромный мир в их маленьких руках
Захват самолёта - это только начало
What happens when make-believe believes it's real?
В одно мгновение мир изменился навсегда
Danger is real. Fear is a choice.
Скоро увидимся
Забудь все, что ты знал о жизни и просто раскрой глаза...
А ты умеешь хранить тайны?
David is 11 years old. He weighs 60 pounds. He is 4 feet, 6 inches tall. He has brown hair. His love is real. But he is not.
As boys, they made a pact to share their fortunes, their loves, their lives. As men, they shared a dream to rise from poverty to power. Forging an empire built on greed, violence and betrayal, their dream would end as a mystery that refuse to die
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