With needles dipped in deadly venom the victims are paralyzed - so they must lie awake and watch themselves die!
A comedy about true friends... and their true loves!
Believe in yourself
No one can live without love!
HORROR stalking its halls!
Some guys will do anything for a little somethin» somethin».
Terror by good intentions.
A light-hearted leer at love among the adults! (poster)
Who was she? Sometimes she was a child skipping rope. Sometimes she was a woman with a passionate hunger. And one day the woman and the child came together...
STRANGE LOVE sets the pace for this most unusual suspense mystery
The past is always present.
The border: where dreams begin and end. A fence. A line drawn in the sand. A war zone.
THEIR NEWEST AND GREATEST ADVENTURE! (original poster-all caps)
They Invade Your Body ... Control Your Mind ... Blow You Apart!
Love to live. Live to love.
Before You Can Fly You Have To Be Free.