Hail to the Chief... or he'll hack you to PIECES.
One man against the Mob.
Beyond the five senses lies a sixth. To possess it is to see the unseen. If she sees you...you're dead.
Mute. Stupid. Violent.
A downhill vacation becomes a nightmare of terror. Get off the hill before you get...
It Waits... It Watches... It Hungers...
You have been chosen. You are doomed. Prepare for.... SAVAGE WEEKEND
The Screaming Never Stops ...
They'll Be Screaming Their Heads Off!
Come, darkness and vicious spirits. Lucifer, let this cute girl be the empress of the universe...
3000 volts couldn't kill him...it just gave him a buzz.
You Don't Have to Live on Elm Street to Have Nightmares
He can fix almost anything... except himself.
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It's only skin deep