Grace will come to you.
Be nice to Eric. Or Eric won't be nice to you.
He wants their pieces
The Finishing School That Finished Them Off!
Some girls are better served cold!
A forgotten evil that will never die.
The last full moon you'll ever see.
Death is just the beginning.
Welcome to Mountaintop Motel - We have all the latest facilities for you - built-in torture chambers, adjoining cemetery, drowning pool acid saunas, hanging tree ('Horrors at Mountaintop Motel' tagline)
Caught you...
Forget Freddie and Jason. Virgil's the newest nightmare in town.
Некоторые школьники не сдали экзамены
Ten years ago something terrible happened in this house... This weekend it's about to happen AGAIN.
Through the Looking Glass and Straight to Hell