Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them ...and then there are others.
He went searching for love... but Fate forced a DETOUR to Revelry... Violence... Mystery!
В жизни и в любви жди неожиданностей
Они находятся в банке без разрешения...
Individually, they are super heroes. United, they are the Ultimate Avengers...
The Ultimate Love/Skate Relationship
i am human
From the immortal adventure classic...of whaling men, their ships, and the sea!
Some lives cross, others collide
Some Truths Cut Deep.
Live everyday like it's your last.
История о человеке у которого было всё... но он нашёл ещё больше
The crime that shocked a nation.
You Haven't Got A Prayer.
Страх стал реальностью!
Once again, blood flows in the streets of Kanto!
Вампирская комедия
Its mother conceived it... You won't believe it...
The only thing stranger than this family is... Visitor Q.