...and from this man who could not speak or hear, the girl heard many things.
Only once in the furied history of adventure and conquest...did one man rule so vast an empire!
Bad things happen everywhere.
Beneath the surface lies a burning secret.
No one dared to film it until now!
From the grand master of horror... Classic terror is now state-of-the-art shock.
Here SHE is, the happiest star of all: singing, dancing, delighting.
The greatest lessons in life are the ones learned by the heart.
If love takes no prisoners, somebody forgot to tell them.
down this twisted road, please watch over my soul and lift me up so gently so as not to touch the ground.
Celebrate summer and fun with a slew of bikini-clad beach bunnies!
Beyond Reason! Beyond Belief!
A TRAIL OF A THOUSAND DANGERS! (original USA poster - all caps)
Have they heard your heart beating?