Последний крик, который вы услышите, будет ваш собственный...
Ужас подвергся эволюции
In 6 hours they'll be history!
Experience the incredible true story of a man who left behind the world he knew, and found the courage to do the impossible
For every way in, there is another way out.
Они сражались в аду....
It's the BIGGEST. It's the BEST. It's BOND. And B-E-Y-O-N-D
It is everything you've dreamed of. It is nothing you expect
HUNTED...By a thousand men! Haunted...By a lovely girl!
Feel the jungle beat
In the Future, not everyone is who they seem to be
Being wild is in their Blood
They will defy everything you've ever seen or heard about screen lovers!
Rough, tough Chuck Tatum, who battered his way to the top ... trampling everything in his path - men, women and morals !
Твоя смерть родилась вместе с тобой