The criminal mastermind of the century just met his match...
Once in a decade comes a picture into every foot of which is crammed a "surprise" type of thrill which will enmesh you with its romance-comedy and dramatic intensity. Such a production is "Passport to Fame"- acknowledged as one of the screen's greatest entertainments. (Print Ad- Illawarra Mercury, ((Wollongong, NSW)) 26 July 1935)
Only Two Women Knew The Secret Behind Lon Chaney, The Fabulous Man Of A Thousand Faces!
Because if anyone is going to ruin RoboCop, it's us.
Ahoy! Ahowl! (Newspaper ad).
The last of the red hot Lamas!
It's the most unusual picture since 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.'
Yelps in the Alps !
There's more to war than taking sides.