Основано на реальных событиях

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «основано на реальных событиях»
Чудеса ещё случаются

Incredible true-life drama of Juliane Koepcke... the story of a 17-year-old schoolgirl who survived a 10,000 foot plunge from an exploding jetplane and an 11 day terrifying ordeal in the Peruvian jungle!

За кровь платят кровью

An epic story of three brothers. Bound by blood. Divided by fate. Driven by destiny

Бостонский душитель

This is the true story of Albert DeSalvo, the self-confessed Boston Strangler, and of what he did to thirteen women and one city.

На острой грани

Как насчёт острых ощущений?


In the 21st century nobody will be...Safe.

Немой дом

Real Fear In Real Time

Жизнь как катастрофа

He may be a total disaster... but at least he's entertaining.

Братья Ньютон

Pests of the West


Первый фильм постталибского Афганистана

Ночной слушатель

Listen for the truth.


The story of two women whose friendship suddenly became a matter of life and death.

Ад каннибалов 3

Can this modern man survive in a Stone Age world?

Красавицы и чудовища

Innocence isn't lost, it's stolen.

Последние дни Софии Шолль

In 1943, one young woman stood up to the Nazis, her courage made her a legend, this is her story . . .

Громовое сердце

Two men from different worlds. Two cops after the same killer. Together they must uncover the secrets. Together they must discover the truth.

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
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