The citizens of Haddonfield are about to endure the revenge of Michael Myers.
Учебное заведение или бандитский притон?
He's back. You're dead
Flesh Ripped clean to the Bone... And the Blood runs Red...
The scenes...the story...The stars BUT ABOVE ALL - THE SUSPENSE!
Насколько добрым он может быть?
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To be, kurwa, or not to be ("To be, for fuck sake, or not to be")
The movie that began it all.........
a mother, a daughter, a lover. relationships can be murder.
She's a fabulous, loving, caring mother, who er... ...happens to be a serial killer!
The perfect couple
Неуправляемые страсти ломают судьбы...
Michael just loves taking the law into his own hands!
The latest fashion in murder.
From the novel that enthralled the world, comes an animation classic.
Найдут ли они преступника, если даже ЦРУ беcсильно?
There is no defense.