Тайна древнего проклятия...
In many a distant village, there exists the Legend of the Werewolf or Wolf Man, a legend of a strange mortal man with the hair and fangs of an unearthly beast... his hideous howl, a dirge of death!
Love Stinks!
Чтобы выжить, нужно срочно вдуть!
Within the forests are strangers lying in wait for innocents . . . who stray from the path!
Загляни в глаза зверя...
Living investigator. Undead clients. Zombie partner.
Drive in. Freak out.
From the pages of Spookshow International
В сумерках взойдёт Луна. И мир изменится
Вампирская комедия
Hey there, it's the ghoul school!
Just About The Most Outrageous Erotic Fantasy Ever Committed To Film.
An Immortal Battle for Survival
A classic tale with some modern magic!