Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize Winning Story.
It Is Now Rated PG Because we want everyone to see John Travolta's performance... Because we want everyone to hear the #1 group in the country, the Bee Gees... Because we want everyone to catch 'Saturday Night Fever'
Nothing's as big as your first love
Loneliness is much better when you have got someone to share it with (norway DVD release).
Эта сторона войны всегда была закрыта для посторонних глаз
Turbulent were the times and fiery was the love story of Zhivago, his wife and the passionate, tender Lara
Fame Comes And Goes, Stars Rise And Fall, But Dreams Live Forever
A love story that could only happen between best friends.
Fast Cars, Fast Girls, Fast Carrots...Fast Carrots?
Иногда очень умные люди не знают главного
Love that paid the severest of all penalties!
Her greatest secret was her greatest gift.
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