Feel ther heat!
Four honest cops are getting too close to a crime they aren't supposed to solve.
Three times and you're Deth!
Hvad var den mystiske dværgs perverse hemmelighed??? (What was the mysterious dwarfs perveted secret???)
From the mean streets of Harlem come the greatest basketball player the world has never known.
Bonnie & Clyde have got nothing on them.
You saw them 5 years back... Raju, the risk taker... Babu Rao Apte, the one who took it... Shyam, the one who will have to pay for it! ... Yes, they are back... all of them!
A twisted, f'd up, teenage love story.
There is no honor among thieves
The cop no one can stop. Even the cops.
Don't dare stare at the illustrated man.
There is no Stairway to Heaven.