Никто не может быть выше закона
Самый сумасшедший день в году
You can't stop the thunder.
Семь раз отмерь, один... пристрели
The hunters will become the hunted
Steve and Walter used to have a preference for blondes. Then Steve was murdered... and came back as one. Will being a woman make him a better man?
Everything they know. All that they love. Is what they risk every day
The system wanted them to become soldiers. One soldier just wanted to be human
In "Bloodsport" and "Kickboxer" he won it all, now there are no rules, no escape, and NOBODY'S playing games!
You're inside now.
Born too late for their own times. Uncommonly significant for ours
Убийство, шантаж, искушение, спасение - это была тяжелая неделя
What Love Built A Secret Could Destroy...
Чтобы поймать преступника - действуй как преступник
Some Soldiers take things too far
Мальчик резвый, кудрявый, влюбленный, не пора ли мужчиною быть?!..
Raw, Powerful, Extraordinary... A Love Story of Surprisingly Epic Proportions!
The Pride of French Intelligence Returns