Миссия спасения станет его вендеттой...
The children of the Nazi generation vowed fascism would never rule their world again.
8:44 A.M. A full scale military invasion by foreign troops begins. Total surprise. Almost total success. A gang of high school kids become the last line of defense
Убийца становится мишенью
5. 4. 3. 2. 1......Time's Up
The movie that began it all.........
Dangerous things come in small packages...
Not all monsters are scary to people. Not if it's one fighting crime in the Garden State.
A thriller.
It's Funny... Right?
Based on a novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
In the early '40s, Adolf Hitler believed the occult held the secret to immortality. Almost a century later, the nightmare has awakened...
Cruel, devious, pure as venom. All hell's broken loose.
Meet the new face of evil.
There's no such thing as final vengeance!
Их шансы были сто к одному
Ding dong, you're dead.
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