From the producer of "THE HEARTBREAK KID", and based on the writings of celebrated author, ALAN MARSHALL (I Can Jump Puddles), comes an unforgettable story of passion, courage and discovery.
No one is more dangerous than the man who lives two lives.
She's either the love of his life... Or the end of it
Across 2000 miles of savage wasteland ... they lived a thundering adventure that rocked two nations !
Everyone has a lucky number.
A picture to thrill every Scottish heart! (Print Ad-Vancouver Sun, ((Vancouver, BC)) 30 July 1940)
Сквозь выстрелы, сквозь грохот поездов и шум машин вы слышите как бьётся его сердце...
Terror Stalks Its Turreted Battlements... and Horror Crawls the Catacombs Beneath!
BEAUTY at the mercy of a MONSTER!
No Motion Picture Has Ever Expressed So Much!