1968. It's a man's world. But not for long...
Queen . . . of a Crime Cult !
Full of nutritious laughs!
Who is this man ? And what is he doing ? Who Cares. But don't miss my new movie...
Dietrich More Breath Taking Esquite than ever in the Royal Finery of Catherine the Greatest Lover History ever call a Queen! (original print ad- Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lubbock, Texas - Sept.7, 1934)
Alone, far from home, and far from justice, he has three days to learn the truth about a murder...and the truth is a story you won't forget.
With all my heart I still love the man I killed
Newman means action!
Most women in her situation would do the very same thing! They just wouldn't do it as well- or as often!
In life he was a movie star, in death he became a legend.
Consider the Possibilities
Welcome to Holly Springs... home of murder, mayhem and catfish enchiladas.
Roommate Wanted...For a Limited Time Only
What happens backstage is always true drama. And often pure comedy.
Love, betrayal, passion and pride.
CURSE...OF THE BASKERVILLES (print ad - Lubbock Evening Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - April 24, 1939 - all caps)