The X-Men 's Battles Against Their Deadly Rivals Have Begun...
Твой страх - его пища. Твоя смерть - твоя проблема...
Twice the carnage. Double the smash.
Халк спасет их мир... или разрушит?
Don`t make him angry. You won`t like him an anger!
Death is only the beginning
Real power lies within
Individually, they are super heroes. United, they are the Ultimate Avengers...
With Great power comes Great responsibility!
To save humanity, the Earth's mightiest heroes must reunite for a rematch of heroic proportions.
Creation can have it's side effects
Перед молотом... был меч
Дети героев прошлого – единственная надежда на будущее!
Оружие против могущественного зла