В космосе твой крик никто не услышит...
Приготовьтесь к путешествию по своей жизни
Отныне человечество - вымирающий вид!
Молитесь за мир, готовьтесь к войне
Последний из рода рискнёт всем ради человечества
Молись, что он ещё там
Woman. Warrior. Queen.
Left for dead on a remote planet for obsolete machines and people, a fallen hero has one last battle to fight
Learn to speak her language.
Once discovered, it was changed forever
Грандиозная битва в миниатюре
Meet Your Maker.
What she has witnessed, she cannot escape. What he has become, he cannot control. And what you experience, no one will believe until they come face to face with the inhuman fear that is the howling.
Adventure in all its glory!
The fate of man lies in the hands of a warrior.
A giant of a man against a general seeking glory...a spectacular adventure of arch enemies in battle.
M-G-M's Mighty Thrill-Romance for 1940 !
Zombies--- Not dead, not alive!
The picture that marches to a different drummer.