Страх - это кандалы. Надежда - это свобода
There can be no triumph without loss. No victory without suffering. No freedom without sacrifice
Я родился при странных обстоятельствах
Жизнь – это самое удивительное шоу на свете
The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces.
The extraordinary life of Edith Piaf
Не всякая чистота прозрачна...
For seven strangers, this is just the beginning of an exotic adventure.
No more fairy tales, this is reality
Ничто не может противостоять человеческой воле...
Испытание чувств на закате жизни
Life's not about winning or losing. It's about how you get there in the end.
It's a pigment of your imagination
Во все тяжкие
The funny, touching and totally irresistible story of a working relationship that became a 25-year friendship
Why do men act like boys? Because they can
Four friends looking for a little harmony
Sometimes the people you know the least...are the ones you need the most!