The world's greatest detective tackles his toughest case !
You'll Be Buttonholed by People You Hardly Know Who'll Tell You "I Just Saw the Funniest Show in My Life!"
From the lips of one MAN to the arms of another!
The story of man's inhumanity to man.
Kurt Hoffmanns "Grusical"... Eine moderne Gespenstergeschichte gesponnen von Günter Neumann und Heinz Pauck
The film sensation of the year!
The real glory of war is surviving.
World War II Has Its Heroes And Its Miracles.
Joseph Goebbels' malevolent masterpiece.
A motion picture to command the attention of the world !
In a No-man's land between North and South, you didn't fight for the Blue or the Gray... You fought for your friends and your family
No one can save them.