Lights... Camera... Body Pats!
In life he was a movie star, in death he became a legend.
Fate Raised Her To Fame - and killed the man she loved !
Erotic? Serious? Funny? Tragic? A Mystery? A Game? A Paradox? Neo-Sadism? A Detective Story?
They didn't want to kill him. They just wanted a story.
CALIFORNIA SUITE promises to be loads of laughs and great fun.
Вот-вот он сыграет главную роль своей жизни...
From the director of "The Big Chill." A story of friendship and other natural wonders.
They were led by a man...A man called SATAN who needed blood to ride!
Come and laugh at the politics of filmmaking and sex.
Everything you can imagine is real
They broke every rule, loved every woman, took every risk and solved the most shocking murder in the history of Beverly Hills. And it's all true. Give or take a lie or two