Вся команда в сборе
Стоять! Бояться!
Even if you die, you can never escape. (Japan)
Правда будет похоронена только если они не выживут
Inspired by the most notorious unsolved murder in California history.
Не все свидания идут по плану
Stealing, Cheating, Killing. Who said romance is dead?
The first one had rules
You get tough. You get tender. You get close to each other. Maybe you even get close to the truth.
She saw the killer's face, but it keeps changing...
Кто у нас тут крыса?
The single most important filmmaking event since Naked Gun 2 1/2!
Собака - худший враг человека
You can only defeat it when you believe.
Everything Is Not Going To Be OK
One man is copying the most notorious killers in history one at a time. Together, two women must stop him from killing again. Or they're next
Железная рука закона
The only people more dangerous that the hardened criminals... are the cops
Sie glaubten an Gott und waren des Teufels