Raymond Chandler, meet Mad Max.
STRANGE LOVE sets the pace for this most unusual suspense mystery
Killer looks. Naked ambition.
This one's for Memphis
True Pain is Screamless
THEIR NEWEST AND GREATEST ADVENTURE! (original poster-all caps)
Back in '47, a gun was a roscoe, a private-eye was a Peeper, and murder was okay as long as nobody got hurt. In fact, anything was okay with this Peeper on the case because he wouldn't know who-done-it even if he done it himself.
Passion. Guilt. Justice.
A fugitive in his own mind.
The Sandman's Last Rites
Temptress of Pleasure - or Mistress of Murder?
Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out for blood.
THE SECRET OF THE GEM OF DOOM! (original print ad - all caps)
Two men who will remain in your hearts
How deep will she go?