The World's Worst Dog Is Back.
You've never seen Oscar like this
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Trouble is Their Only Defense Against Boredom
Now a New Experience in TRI-PHONIC SOUND
Getting even is a full-time job.
Nothing is scarier than the truth
Pulsating, exotic romance, turbulent drama, mighty spectacle- in M-G-M's magnificent $2,000,000 screen triumph! (Print Ad-Arcadia Daily Tribune, ((Arcadia, Calif.)) 6 February 1936)
Test-drive the future
The Final Battle
Let Life In.
UTTERLY FASCINATING! ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! (original print ad - all caps)
Insanity doesn't run in the family, it gallops.
Psychoanalytická komedie (A psychoanalytical comedy)
Кто владеет мечом, тот правит миром
Within us All...
Creature of Slime and Sludge Spawned by Pollution's Poison Threatens to Destroy the Earth!
Are you down for some Tinseltown partying?