He was the perfect weapon until he became the target
Вспомнить все. Не прощать ничего
Они украли у него жизнь. Он хочет ее вернуть
В игре всегда несколько фигур
A Tale Of Urban Reality
Он восстал из мёртвых, чтобы нести правосудие
Vengeance has a name.
The Truth Hurts
The Dark Knight fights to save Gotham city from its deadliest enemy
In the bowels of France
First His Wife. Now His Daughter. It's Time To Even The Score!
He's back in New York bringing justice to the streets...
The biggest Death Wish ever!
Guns have their uses, it's idiots with guns that make me nervous
The Most Startling Story The Screen Has Ever Dared Reveal!
Here is a different breed of man !
Justice is here.
They tore his body. They buried his pride. But they forgot his old uniform, his Sharps rifle, and his Buffalo gun. Find Tanner, El Segundo, and the 16 others. And tell them Valdez is coming.