Расти Джеймс никак не может достичь славы своего брата. Брат не может от неё избавиться
Любящий муж. Преданный отец. Безжалостный убийца
It was the last day of school of 1976. it's a night they would never forget.....if they could remember
THE FUNNIEST COPS ARE FUNNIER THAN EVER! They're Undercover To Unmask The Mastermind of Crime!
The hustler isn't what he used to be, but he has the next best thing: a kid who is
Деньги решают всё...
Trouble travels together
Позволь страсти управлять своей жизнью
If someone you loved mysteriously vanished how far out of your mind would you go to find them?
Чтобы поймать преступника - действуй как преступник
Он - коп. У него грязная работа... Но кто-то должен ее выполнять
Everything is hotter down south.
Jane Austen's Wicked Comedy
A Blast of DRAMATIC Dynamite exploded right before your eyes! (print ad)
THE LOVE LIFE...THE BLOOD SECRETS...OF A SWAGGERING BUTCHER OF MEN! (Print ad- Herald Statesman, ((Yonkers, NY)) 26 July 1932)
"We are the hollow men in this last of meeting places we grope together and avoid speech. Gathered on this beach of the torrid river." - used by permission from THE HOLLOW MEN by T.S. Eliot
They came. They saw. They came.
Jack Kane thought he'd busted every breed of crook on Earth. He has