Eat. Sleep. Fetch. Kill
For 12 years, he's been running. Tonight, it's over. Tonight, David Banner will find freedom... or death.
Caw the Case.
An Irresponsible Movie by Gregg Araki
Lover without a heart...killer without a conscience!
The Heartbeat Story of Circus People, Filmed with the Cooperation of Ringling Bros. - Barnum and Bailey Circus!
Минуло сотни лет... их ждёт новая битва!
From the lips of one MAN to the arms of another!
Please God, don't let him get caught.'
"I LOVE HIM because he doesn't know how to kiss -- THE JERK!" (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Tech Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - April 22, 1942)
Не всем урокам учишься в школе
Exploding! Like a gun in your face!
Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry
Escape To The Unknown!
Who can you trust with a billion dollar idea?
Sometimes the most patriotic thing a Marine can do... is disobey orders. From most honored to Most Wanted.
The World's New Triumph!