Once upon a time in South Central L.A. ... It ain't no fairy tale.
IT STAGGERS THE SENSES!...SHOCKS the Imagination - It will leave you Gasping - It is the Sensation of 3 Continents!
A magical journey to a place where the past and the present meet.
God bless America...they're going to need it.
Inside Every Man Is The Power To Choose
В месте, с которым ее ничто не связывало, среди людей, которых она никогда не знала, она нашла возможность изменить свою жизнь
The many faces of a woman trying to find herself in a world of men.
On this river, God never finished his creation.
A film about life, laughter, and the occasional miracle.
This summer Michael Moore turns up the heat
"When God came down to earth he could not deal with the gypsies . . . and he took the next flight back"
Мир, каким он был 20 лет назад
For those who have never seen it and those who have never forgotten it. (1980 re-release)
Her First Picture Since "Gone With The Wind"
How far would you go for a friend?
Их объединила мечта покорить Лос-Анджелес. Ведь только такой страстной и безотверженной любви может покориться город Ангелов
You've got to go through Hell before you get to Heaven
Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize Winning Story.