Big Bad Bart Is Open For Business ...COP KILLING
Overnight, she became a star...Over many nights, she became a legend
This is adult entertainment!
The movie was "Gone With the Wind" - the biggest movie of all time. Some actresses had stars in their eyes. Some moguls had stars on their couches. It was a game called casting. And before it was over - the intrigue would have all Hollywood guessing.
For 12 days, TV Festival will be broadcasting live and in exclusivity the highest moments of the Cannes Film Festival.
There is no escape, not even death...
No one believed they could last so long...
Success. Scandal. Sex. Tragedy. Infamy. And that's just the first reel...
Fortune. Fame. Frank
Can't we all just get along?
MIGHTY DRAMA OF AIRCRAFT CARRIER X (original ad - all caps)
Fame... Money... Girls... What's his secret?
30 Stars * 3 Bands
An actress is nothing without a meaty part.