Alvin Sanders is going to help the Feds catch a killer. He just doesn't know it yet
As a boy he was taught the secrets of Kung Fu, now he will use them to avenge his father's death.
TWO LOVERS...VICTIMS OF MOB VIOLENCE! (original 1936 window card poster)
The most dreaded Nazi of them all!
Make Believe. Not War.
He thrived on two kinds of people...his victims and his women!
Новые монстры... Новые поединки. Новые приключения. Всё тот же герой
Crime will no longer roam the streets.
Белый Дом. Срочно. Секретно
Guaranteed! The 8 greatest shocks ever filmed!
See how they run
Looks ni damasareru na
Every Evil, Every Nightmare, Together in One Film
Сейчас он особо опасен
Он несет благо на острие меча, искореняющего тьму