В битве между добром и злом было много жертв… и один свидетель
The passionate story of two lifelong friends and the woman who comes between them.
A story about the memories that haunt us, and the truth that sets us free.
The story of a perfect boy who had the perfect plan.
They beat him. They deprived him. They ridiculed him. They broke his heart. But they couldn't break his spirit.
Every family needs a hero.
One life ends. Seven others begin.
Remember when you couldn't wait for your life to begin... and then, one day, it did?
A Motion Picture Masterpiece From Mexico
Lust, drugs and violence... no place for a kid.
Am I pretty?
An anatomically incorrect rock odyssey
It's all part of the American dream
Hideous... hungry... and loose!
The Saga of an Indian Family
If you were kidnapped by the government, would you walk the 1500 miles back home?
i am human