You don't need a chainsaw to have a massacre. (1984 re-release as "Pitchfork Massacre")
The music made him do it!
Got Creep?
All hell is about to break loose.
They took her body. She'll take their souls.
He's just CRAZY bout this store!
Dying is easy. Rock n' roll is hard.
In a cut-throat property market, she'd kill for a harbour view.
The theatre of death
its BEDS become blood BATHS! ("Horror Hotel" release)
New York City: It's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to die there!
At your own risk
Смерть — это только начало...
They Only Want A Brain ... Yours.
You bring the pizza....I'll bring the drill.
Let the games begin.
The second movie rated "V" for violence.
What's so ##%&@# funny?