В маленьком городке зло разрастается быстро
We are all products of our environment... Some environments are just harder to survive in.
He's a full-time college student who just took the wrong part-time job. Now he's the final piece in a brilliant serial killer's puzzle
Болота Флориды скрывают тайну, от разгадки которой зависит, будет ли спасена жизнь невинного человека
A film about love for man and what remains of him.
A thriller.
Black Christmas will ROCK you too!
Mass murderer Horace Pinker was put to death. Then he really got mad
The mystery continues...
Forbidden desire, sumptuous tragedy
Life is a negotiation
Forget Everything You Have Ever Seen
One Question. What did I do to deserve this?
Когда ты думаешь, что самое страшное позади... Готовься к худшему
Отправь или умри
Лето. Море. Смерть
It's not who you know, it's who you kill
Ты не попадёшь домой
In the early '40s, Adolf Hitler believed the occult held the secret to immortality. Almost a century later, the nightmare has awakened...