Первый шведский фильм, запрещенный к показу в Швеции
Get ready for the ride of your life.
We go in. We get what we want. We come out.
A Film by Jennifer Lynch
Yoo-Hoo, I'll make ya famous!
Sorry...the Doctor is in...sane
Не в то время. Не в том месте. Не в той компании
Слово может покалечить
Never have so few taken so many for so much.
in love, there is only one rule... don't die.
Picture. Evil.
He's trapped in a world where killing is an art and revenge is an obsession
Same Land. Same God. Different Dreams.
Bring your brains.
He thought it was passion. It was deceit. He thought it was love. It was murder.
Yesterday, Brad was nobody. Today, he's front-page news.
All hell is about to break loose.
No one sleeps when they mess with Coffy!
You can't fight it. You can't kill it.