They have the perfect marriage and the perfect house, until she found out what was wrong
Если они вас обслуживают, еще не значит, что вы им нравитесь...
If he wasn't picked on he'd have no material.
Парочка трупов — это только начало!
Самурай готовит себя к смерти всю жизнь
The producing team of «Big Daddy» has delivered another winner! the person you can become
If THE EXORCIST made you shudder, CARRIE will make you scream
Inspired by the most notorious unsolved murder in California history.
Любовь - это высота, с которой вы никогда не захотите спуститься
Eli is 12 years old. She's been 12 for over 200 years and, she just moved in next door.
She saw the killer's face, but it keeps changing...
Hello, my name is Andy and this is my poster
If my memory of her has an expiration date, let it be 10,000 years...
Some stories just keep on growing.
Reject rejection
One man is copying the most notorious killers in history one at a time. Together, two women must stop him from killing again. Or they're next
Men Make History. We Make The Men