The ecstasy continues.
This fairy tale is about to get real
The black shadows of the past bred this half-man . . . half-demon ! . . . creating a new and terrible juggernaut of destruction !
Spike Speaks
Go to Hell.
She's back to Slash last year's record.
The ultimate battle between good & evil rages on!
Не будите зло, когда оно спит... Молитесь о легкой смерти, когда оно проснется...
He's fighting for everyone who can't fight back.
Pull out the stops. To heck with the cops. Someone's making out like a bandit.
You Can Check In Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave...
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: В этом фильме Вы жертва!
For 100 years a war has raged between good and evil. It will end tonight
Призывая палача. Будь готов дорого оплатить его услуги